You might notice that I call myself an almost hippy...
Part of my journey..... I come from blue collar stock.... Married and lived a middle class life... divorced and lived at the lower end of middle class... where I guess I still sort of am....
Some of my ideals are hippy like according to some people in my life... I try and be green I use natural products to clean when ever I can, I use herbal medicines in preference to presribed stuff ( but i do go to doctors and do use prescribed medicines) I dress low key..... have no interest in Brands or fashion ... etc
Ideaslistically I'd like to
- rely on my car less, but am too lazy.......
- live more simply, but stuff keeps multiplying in my house
- eat more healthily... organically.... and Australian..... I attempt to buy Australian and organic but not yet healthily
- I am attempting to buy fair trade (chocolate, tea and coffee so far) but it is more expensive....
- I aim to try and buy from small businesses, rather than giant conglomerates but my kids LOVE maccas!
Maybe some day I'll share things I have found out that have led me to Fair Trade purchases.
Enough meandering ramblings for today..... ciao